By finding ways of harnessing all the incredible momentum and potential, as Disciple Nations, we start by strengthening the family unit.

We understanding the importance of the child’s first 1000 days, of healthy marriages, effective parenting, and providing a loving home, especially for the vulnerable and the orphan.

Education, an essential element which takes a child on a journey and prepares them for a lifetime of learning. By helping to shape education, we believe we nurture a child, inspire a nation and unlock the potential of Africa

The local church has an incredible opportunity to impact a child’s life. By investing in people and programmes, we can change a child’s perspective forever . By equipping church, we will see a generation strong and secure in their God given identity, with faith to believe they can change the world.

Because transformation…reformation, is possible.

By reaching the children and youth in our Communities, through camps and clubs, activates further growth, spiritually, socially and professionally, laying a foundation that’ll influence a lifetime of decisions.